proJEcT 159 je projektem simulátoru letounu Aero L-159 Alca.

Hlavní řídící program kreslí přístrojovou desku a ovládá vstupy a výstupy samotného simulátoru pomocí desek Arduino 2560 Mega. Je napsaný pro LCD 24" s rozlišením 1920 x 1080. Hlavním vývojovým PC je Amd Phenom II X4 840 3,20 GHz, 4 GB RAM, WIN7 with ATI Radeon HD 5800.

Stránky simulátoru jsou voleny pomocí kurzorových šipek nahoru a dolů. Program umožňuje zadávat vstupy na MFD obrazovky i bez připojených Arduin pomocí kurzorových šipek doprava a doleva.

MFD pages

Main MFD page. You may activate left or right keybord input by pressing left or right arrow cursor key.

A - activate page COMM

B - activate page NAV

C - activate page HSI

D - activate page SMS

E - activate page RDR

S - activate page CHKLST

Set up frequency COM1 and COM2 in FS9

A - return to page MENU

S, T, G, H - change frequency position

U, I - load selected frequency to FS9

This page read data from fltPLN.txt. You may choose active point from flight plan here.

A - return to page MENU

S, T - change actual flight point

This page read data from fltPLN.txt and show requested fligt path.

A - return to page MENU

R, S - change scale of flight plan

Here is in txt file saved flight plan. This flight plan generated on my proJEcT159 PC which drive my leader aircraft. It is too possible edit this file manualy but do not make any changes in format in this txt file. Program continuesly read this file and calculated with fact, that every data have fixed position on one long line.

Here you may select stores

A - return to page MENU

T, H - select unguided rocket

V, J - select right or left sidewinder

These function is start effect of rocket fire. Sidewinder is available to use only on copter Tiger with special add-on program.

Here you have checklist for prepare aicraft to flight. Checklist have all items from L-159 Alca but only few selected is marked to use (all of these which is need for simulator)

A - return to page MENU

F - check selected item from checklist and move to next

Main page for radar. You may see here AI traffic and in my simulator multiplayer aircraft used for simulator enviroment

A - return to page MENU

F - select GM page

If you have selected via cursor any target than you may lock the target and simulator switch to STT page

Page for tracking selected target. You have here target position, altitude, distance and target heading.

A - return to page RADAR MENU

After lost locked target program switch to RADAR MENU

Page for ground target. Ground target is emulated by program via geographic position and in scenery is added as object

A - return to page RADAR MENU

If you have selected via cursor any target than you may lock the target and simulator switch to GMT page

If you have locked any ground target you see distance from this target, his position and program too sending data for HUD, where you see position of ground target

A - return to page GM

After lost locked target program switch to GM


Arduino=1 . . . 0 - program nepoužívá desky Arduino a zobrazí MFD i při vypnuté baterii . . . 1 - program načítá a posílá data do desek Arduino













Zde se zadá číslo sériového portu pro příslušnou desku Arduino. Povolená jsou čísla portů 3 - 19.